Wednesday, July 25, 2012

skull mask part 2

It took pretty much the rest of the day, but I finished the paper mache part of the mask. This thing does not photograph well from the front. And the plastic over his face was a bit too loose so the mask didn't mold exactly to his face, but it's pretty close.

After several coats it was starting to hold the correct shape on its own so I was able to do the underside.

And once that dried I was able to remove the plastic and put the mask and his hair back on. It ends up looking really strange from the front, but I rather like it in profile.

It doesn't really 'need' paint because I used a kind of off white tissue paper for the paper mache part (courtesy of one of Selly's Sephora purchases I believe). But I may go in and add some brownish accents or something to make it look more aged and dirty.

At some point Scileraen will get his actual clothes. I've been putting that off for ages though. But at least now he has one more accessory.


  1. That shit looks mega-rad from the side in pictures, and it looks mega-rad in real life from the front! You're right though, pictures from the front don't do it justice. Ironic that you make this after you fixed his atrocious lips though; he looked so ickish before (god I hate guys with big lips...) and now that he has sexy lips you cover him up! xD

    1. hahah yeah I was thinking about that XD How I just fixed up his lips only to end up covering them two seconds later XD Oh well. At least now if he takes off the mask he'll have good lips underneath! So that's exciting!

      Also, thank you very much :D
