Thursday, July 12, 2012

impulsive activities

I mentioned before that I wanted a shorter body for Batu. Well... his head was meant for a 70cm body originally and I was trying it on a few of my shorter bodies and it just wasn't looking right so I decided to go another route. I have an Angelsdoll 72cm body that I was planning to sell because it didn't go quite right with the head it came with in my opinion and I just didn't like the way the lower torso joint popped out of place all the time.

So I decided to take it off the market and modify it to be shorter and pose better.

I started off by marking with pencil all the places where I wanted to cut. I decided to shorten the body in the lower torso and the lower legs. I brought along the hip/pelvis joint and a foot to test fit as I went along. I had originally planned to cut the upper torso shorter as well, but decided against it once I got going.

I started with the legs. I used the dremel to cut off the ends because it was a lot faster than using the coping saw.

Then I started doing the torso. The line I marked is where I wanted it to line up with the pelvis joint, so I cut lower than that so I would have room to round out an edge. I started out with the dremel, but it was thicker than the lower leg so I had to use the coping saw to finish it off.

Here is the beginning of rounding out the bottom of the torso joint.

And I went in and rounded out the insides of the lower legs.

And then I tested the fit with the pelvis joint and lower torso and found that it didn't sit well in there, so I dremeled out more resin to help it fit in there properly.

After a quick rinse to get off any remaining resin dust, I reassembled the body. The line between the upper body and pelvis joint isn't as smooth as before and I will probably want to go in and re-work the anatomy some, but for now it is functional and the joint does not pop out of place. It also has a greater range of motion, which is quite nice.

And here is a picture of the feet on the lower leg joint. They look uneven here but they actually are almost exactly the same length and the feet sit in the sockets almost the same too. The body still stands well and everything.

He now is 63~64cm (down from 72) so I feel like that works better. I didn't finish sanding everything smooth because I was close to running out of daylight and my neck was hurting from leaning over things in a gas mask/respirator deal.


  1. It's so intense watching you do all this crazy shit - I would be so afraid to do this kind of modding. Or any modding. You've made him Batu size! How cute! Now you can start makin' clothes! :)

    1. Haha. I'm not sure why but I was always pretty fearless about modding, even when I had no idea what I was doing. I did things like eye openings and hacking up Sasori's body back when I hadn't been into things for all that long. XD

      Sometimes I think my level of courage kind of becomes stupidity XD But I suppose there's only one way to get good at anything!

      And yep, I can start on clothes and that is very exciting! :D
