Thursday, July 5, 2012

failing at face ups

I really have no idea how to apply make up style blush to dolls, not being one to wear make up myself. So I think I did this wrong. Or too dark. Or something. This is my roommate's Doll Chateau Bella, Sui, and my first attempt at a face up of this variety. I normally don't do lashes and blush and such but I was trying to do something a bit more... dramatic I guess?

Set up a backdrop of sorts in my room and snapped a few photos.  She doesn't actually have a full outfit yet but I kind of threw this together for the photos.


  1. Thank you so much for giving her a face up because now I love her and she is beautiful and she's like an Undead Unicorn and she's perfect. :v

    She's my faaaavorite now. :D

    1. I am very glad that you like her :D That makes me very happy!
