Monday, July 30, 2012

going crazy with dye

I decided it was finally time to mod Esky's nose today. I didn't do it initially because when he first arrived I just wanted to give him a face up and make sure he would work right for Esky (because on several occasions I've gone straight to work on modding, only to later realize that the mold wouldn't work for the character anyway).

So since he's worked well as Esky for a few months now, I went ahead and changed the shape of his nose and chin a bit and ended up having to wipe his face up.

When I dyed Malesar, the only thing keeping me from just throwing Esky and Shino in the pot right after him (because I was having so much fun with dyeing) was that they both had face ups and I was feeling too lazy to wipe them.

But since I had to wipe Esky's anyway today, I figured I'd just go ahead and dye him. And then I figured I might as well wipe Shino's face as well and get him done right after.

I started with just straight up Rit dye in tan for Esky.

Here you can see his head and some body parts that have already been dyed next to his torso which has not yet been dyed.

After Esky was all done, I added a bit of royal blue and dark brown to the mix to change up the color some, because I didn't want them to be the same color.

Here you can see half of Shino's limbs are dyed and half aren't. j

And here's the two of them next to each other, color corrected to the best of my ability at this late hour. I decided to restring Esky tighter and with thicker elastic, and that proved a bit exhausting (especially given that I was already pretty tired after working on this for three hours).

Anyway, tomorrow they will both get new face ups and be all complete and properly colored!

There are some random spots on Esky that came out oddly, but they mostly won't be visible when he's clothed. Shino's color came out incredibly even, in my opinion. It's almost eerie. It looks like he was cast that way. Perhaps that means I'm just getting better at this dyeing business (neither of them has mismatched arms to body like Malesar) so it's too bad I don't think anyone else needs a dye job. XD

Side note: after doing these two, I'm incredibly surprised that I got Malesar's body to match his head as well as I did, considering I had no idea what I was doing and it was my first attempt. Neither Esky nor Shino came anywhere close to matching my Phonolus head. Must be some color that was in the Pearl Grey that helped that work out. Not that I'm complaining! I'm glad Malesar matches and all my tan dudes are unique shades.

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